Compendium LORE Submit

Right, so..

Basically, we used to have this guy working here named Ogroloth. Real shifty, didn't talk much, yknow.

Turns out, however, in his 600 years working here, he had been EMBEZZLING company funds to order wenches to his tavern, The Dirty Tap.

This, reasonably, made the big guys upset, so they fired him without Wizard Severance and banished him from the tower.

Much later, Ogroloth would sneak back into the tower, pretending to be a Wizard Clown for Little Reginald's Wizard Birthday! During the legally protected and mandated Clown Smoke Break (Wizard Code 859, subsection 3), Ogroloth would sneak up to the Tower Library, grab a random book, and tore ALL the pages out.

This book happened to be the Creature Compendium, a book detailing centuries of history of the world's most majestic and wonderful creatures..

We had never read this book in our lives.

However, at one point or another, the Wizard Librarian's Guild started to get mad. They told us that unless we could repair the book to it's original form, we'd have to pay 6 million Wizard Bucks to their estates. The tower began to panic.

Acting quickly, they formed the Compendium Unification Movement, a guild dedicated to recovering the lost pages and repairing the book.

Unfortunately, it seems Ogroloth planned for this, as along with the normal pages of the book being spread across the land, he also spread many fake pages, hoping we'd mess up and get hit with the fine anyway.

So now here we are, accepting all the pages we can get from any Wizard Shmuck that submits them.

If you ask me, I don't really care what happens to the tower. Not like I get paid anyway.

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